Friday, December 4, 2009

Are all the Walgreens stores even the busier ones cutting hours in the Cosmetics Department. I work in the ?

Cosmetics Department at a slower store, and the hours are being cut down to 10-8pm instead of having 2 shifts of 8-3:30pm and 3:30-11:00pm. Are all the Walgreens stores even the busier ones cutting hours in the Cosmetics Department. I work in the ?
Yes probably, due to economy every one is cutting back on hours. Are all the Walgreens stores even the busier ones cutting hours in the Cosmetics Department. I work in the ?
Yes. Every store in the entire chain had to cut hours. However, in most stores, where to cut the hours exactly is left to the discretion of the store manager and/or the district manager. Obviously, cosmetics is the easiest place to make the cuts but that doesn't preclude cutting other departments/areas as well.

We were told by corporate to expect AT LEAST another 12-18 months of tough times. I am guessing that this hour reduction is permanent or semi-permanent.

It's a tough economy, I'm grateful that we're not closing stores.
I work in cosmetics at a Walgreens that I find to be rather busy.

I'm guessing these cut backs are a corporate decision - affecting every store, because our shifts have changed as well. We're still keeping two shifts though. They're just five hour shifts, instead of seven or eight hours. %26amp; yes it sucks...

Because not just the shifts at my store have been changed, but our overall store hours have been drastically cut. I'm down to one or two five hour shifts a week - if I'm lucky.
pretty sure they might i know all stores chain wide are cutting hours. In the ';red zone'; most of the business is after 10 so it makes sense to cut hours there. but hey you can always talk to you SM and ask to put you on the floor or checkout for a few hours here and there. If you really need the hours go to store to store in your district see if one needs some one part time and ask if you can work there for a day o so. even though working at two stores might sound stupid an employee gots to do what an employee gots to do in order to get hours.
ummm so what's you question?

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